Friday, November 20, 2009


The basic function of the office manager is to plan, organize and controll office services. The function of the office manager may be varies from place to place because of its nature, size and volume of office work. Some of the function are as follows :
  • He has to plan , organize and control the office in order to acheive the goals of the organization.
  • He helps in determining the manpower requirements, recuiting , selecting, and training people to perform the office work efficiently and efectively.
  • He acts as the line executive for his own department and staff executive or advisor for other departments.
  • He has to select , designand plan the office layout so as to ensure smooth flow of work.
  • He is incharge for safeguarding and maintanance of building and other assets of office.
  • He has to observe the rules, procedures and policies of the management within the office.
  • He has to design and improve system , procedures and methods.
  • He has to maintain good relation with the outsiders or general public in order to create good image for the organization.
  • He has to influence , inspire , and guide subordinate and get the best out of the office staff.
  • He is responsible for procurring suitable machines , equipment , furniture , stationery and other suppliers and for maintaining good working conditions so that effiency can be increased.

Therefore, these are the function of the office manager which helps to manage and control the office and helps office to work efficiently and properly.


This website is related with office management and system.This site will helps to manage the office in systematic and scientific way.